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| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-tfa-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cef2e0; font-family:inherit; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Featured Article | [[Chlorinated Solvents]] <span style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">By Bilgen Yuncu</span></h2>
| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-tfa-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cef2e0; font-family:inherit; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Featured Article | [[Chlorinated Solvents]] <span style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">By Bilgen Yuncu</span></h2>
| style="color:#000;" | <div id="mp-tfa" style="padding:2px 5px">[[File: Oxigemdichroromethane.png|frameless|left|85px]]Welcome to Remediapedia.  We’re glad you’re here!  Remediapedia provides one of the most comprehensive repositories of information about environmental restoration technology available on the web.  Since 19__, the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), the premier Department of Defense’s environmental research programs, have funded the latest science and technology ideas and initiatives to improve DOD’s environmental performance, reduce costs and enhance and sustain mission capabilities.  SERDP and ESTCP also promote partnerships and collaboration among academia, industry, the military Services, and other Federal agencies.  The outputs from these efforts are presented in research reports, journal articles, proceedings, and books written at a very high level by a multitude of researchers worldwide.    Unfortunately, project professionals that need very specific information on a certain subject generally do not have time or budget to access, review and sort through the vast amount of research, testing and performance evaluation information that is available.  Users unfamiliar with the topic, but wishing to learn about it, risk using conflicting or outdated information, as well as missing important or definitive works.  Remediapedia minimizes this risk.  Remediapedia engages world-reknown subject matter experts to synthesize the world of information on one topic into a chapter on their area of expertise.  Through extensive cross-linked references to ESTCP-SERDP project reports and the general wealth of literature accumulated through the years, each Remediapedia chapter provides a technically accurate, up-to-date review of the current state of knowledge on that topic.  It provides users with an in-depth understanding of a specific issue or problem that can be used reliably in the decision-making process for managing, regulating and implementing a project.  .</div>
| style="color:#000;" | <div id="mp-tfa" style="padding:2px 5px">[[File: Oxigemdichroromethane.png|frameless|left|85px]]Welcome to Remediapedia.  We’re glad you’re here!  Remediapedia provides one of the most comprehensive repositories of information about environmental restoration technology available on the web.  Since 19__, the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), the premier Department of Defense’s (DOD's) environmental research programs, have funded the latest science and technology ideas and initiatives to improve DOD’s environmental performance, reduce costs and enhance and sustain mission capabilities.  SERDP and ESTCP also promote partnerships and collaboration among academia, industry, the military Services, and other Federal agencies.  The outputs from these efforts are presented in research reports, journal articles, proceedings, and books written at a very high level by a multitude of researchers worldwide.    Unfortunately, project professionals that need very specific information on a certain subject generally do not have time or budget to access, review and sort through the vast amount of research, testing and performance evaluation information that is available.  Users unfamiliar with the topic, but wishing to learn about it, risk using conflicting or outdated information, as well as missing important or definitive works.  Remediapedia minimizes this risk.  Remediapedia engages world-reknown subject matter experts to synthesize the world of information on one topic into a chapter on their area of expertise.  Through extensive cross-linked references to ESTCP-SERDP project reports and the general wealth of literature accumulated through the years, each Remediapedia chapter provides a technically accurate, up-to-date review of the current state of knowledge on that topic.  It provides users with an in-depth understanding of a specific issue or problem that can be used reliably in the decision-making process for managing, regulating and implementing a project.  .</div>
| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cef2e0; font-family:inherit; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Did you know...</h2>
| style="padding:2px;" | <h2 id="mp-dyk-h2" style="margin:3px; background:#cef2e0; font-family:inherit; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3bfb1; text-align:left; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Did you know...</h2>

Revision as of 17:27, 17 September 2015

Welcome to Environmental Restoration Wiki
The source for current science in the field of environmental remediation.
258 articles in English

Featured Article | Chlorinated Solvents By Bilgen Yuncu

Welcome to Remediapedia. We’re glad you’re here! Remediapedia provides one of the most comprehensive repositories of information about environmental restoration technology available on the web. Since 19__, the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), the premier Department of Defense’s (DOD's) environmental research programs, have funded the latest science and technology ideas and initiatives to improve DOD’s environmental performance, reduce costs and enhance and sustain mission capabilities. SERDP and ESTCP also promote partnerships and collaboration among academia, industry, the military Services, and other Federal agencies. The outputs from these efforts are presented in research reports, journal articles, proceedings, and books written at a very high level by a multitude of researchers worldwide. Unfortunately, project professionals that need very specific information on a certain subject generally do not have time or budget to access, review and sort through the vast amount of research, testing and performance evaluation information that is available. Users unfamiliar with the topic, but wishing to learn about it, risk using conflicting or outdated information, as well as missing important or definitive works. Remediapedia minimizes this risk. Remediapedia engages world-reknown subject matter experts to synthesize the world of information on one topic into a chapter on their area of expertise. Through extensive cross-linked references to ESTCP-SERDP project reports and the general wealth of literature accumulated through the years, each Remediapedia chapter provides a technically accurate, up-to-date review of the current state of knowledge on that topic. It provides users with an in-depth understanding of a specific issue or problem that can be used reliably in the decision-making process for managing, regulating and implementing a project. .

Did you know...

Donec eu ante urna. Vivamus efficitur, sem a elementum tincidunt, tortor felis venenatis nunc, vitae iaculis nunc nisi sit amet nunc. Aliquam et imperdiet arcu. In sed pharetra nisi. Nam risus orci, sodales in condimentum et, eleifend eget nunc. Proin nisl magna, dapibus vel convallis non, maximus commodo tellus. In porta magna non ullamcorper tempus. Nulla turpis sapien, vulputate vitae consectetur non, congue iaculis magna.

In the news

ESTCP Logo Color.jpg
Remediapedia is an unsurpassed resource. SERDP and ESTCP have supported an extensive portfolio of projects that have substantially improved our understanding of subsurface processes and the effectiveness of different remediation approaches. In conjunction with the mountain of information in the academic and governmental literature, Remediapedia is a way to allow this information to percolate down to line staff that actually manages, regulates and implements projects. It is useful to DOD Remedial Project Managers (RPMs), State and Federal regulators, consultants, academic researchers, students and public stakeholders. Remediapedia is a one-stop compendium of the latest information related to environmental restoration technologies.

About the Authors...

Remediapedia chapters are written by academic / industry experts. Many of these experts have already written similar chapters for SERDP-ESTCP as part of the existing monograph series or for other publications. The primary editorial team includes Dr. Robert C. Borden, P.E. (Solutions-IES, Inc., Raleigh, NC), Dr. Charles J. Newell, P.E. BCEE (GSI Environmental, Inc., Houston, TX) and Dr. Rula Deeb, BCEEM, PHP (Geosyntec, Oakland, CA).

Bilgen Yuncu, Ph.D., Solutions-IES, Inc.

Bilgen is a senior research scientist with Solutions-IES, Inc. Aenean pharetra sapien ut mollis accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean tincidunt elit vel laoreet consectetur. Praesent tristique eros nec vestibulum porttitor.

Kevin Finneran

Aenean pharetra sapien ut mollis accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean tincidunt elit vel laoreet consectetur. Praesent tristique eros nec vestibulum porttitor.

Miles Denham

Aenean pharetra sapien ut mollis accumsan. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean tincidunt elit vel laoreet consectetur. Praesent tristique eros nec vestibulum porttitor.

Where do you want to go today?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla iaculis, dolor quis convallis ornare, magna nulla congue ligula, eu bibendum nulla enim in erat. Donec efficitur mauris ut vulputate pharetra. Fusce sagittis odio elementum vulputate pretium. Morbi ac ligula vulputate, fermentum quam vel, bibendum orci. Nunc lectus tellus, venenatis nec iaculis id, tincidunt sed mi. Vestibulum maximus augue et augue porttitor, quis laoreet felis volutpat. Cras eleifend ipsum at urna porta, nec faucibus neque hendrerit. Curabitur porttitor tellus vitae sollicitudin suscipit. Nulla a laoreet tortor. Nullam tristique fringilla nisi, sed mattis ligula egestas a. Praesent gravida leo commodo velit porttitor, non aliquam elit dignissim. Quisque pellentesque pharetra massa eu ultricies. Nullam consectetur efficitur luctus.


  1. Groundwater Contaminants
    1. Chlorinated Solvents
  2. Fluid Transport
  3. Characterization
  4. Processes
  5. In Situ Technologies
  6. Performance
  7. Vapor Intrusion
  8. Technology


Praesent luctus quam metus, et aliquam velit volutpat vitae. Nullam non consequat mi. Duis tempor rutrum viverra. Quisque blandit erat odio, in interdum justo consectetur vitae. Etiam varius leo in ligula egestas, nec blandit purus rhoncus. Aliquam nec erat ac massa fringilla blandit. Proin egestas luctus euismod. Aenean scelerisque tincidunt massa tincidunt tristique. Donec tincidunt vel libero sed mattis. Fusce vehicula semper lectus ac accumsan.

Praesent erat metus, rutrum at condimentum vel, imperdiet sit amet elit. Etiam interdum, felis vitae mattis dignissim, mi lorem blandit diam, id lobortis tortor nulla vitae lacus. Sed tellus velit, blandit ut ante sit amet, viverra viverra massa. Aliquam placerat placerat nisl at sollicitudin. Vestibulum fringilla at quam ac semper. Etiam dapibus sodales pharetra. Nam sed velit malesuada, vehicula sem vel, sagittis tellus.

Nunc dapibus faucibus lobortis. Curabitur faucibus, elit vitae tincidunt lobortis, leo ligula maximus augue, sit amet ullamcorper massa quam in mi. Pellentesque aliquet vestibulum velit, ac condimentum turpis volutpat nec. Maecenas vitae sapien a sapien vulputate tincidunt. Sed finibus mi ante, in molestie est laoreet quis. Pellentesque sit amet elementum arcu. Praesent nunc neque, elementum non dolor ut, aliquam scelerisque libero. Donec tincidunt dolor sit amet nibh finibus efficitur. Maecenas feugiat leo sit amet pretium lacinia. Ut suscipit erat at nibh feugiat sagittis. Donec eget nunc dignissim, semper leo porttitor, ullamcorper tortor. Proin ac finibus velit, et congue nisl. Proin iaculis est vel mattis malesuada. Maecenas urna tortor, tincidunt rhoncus dolor quis, posuere mattis felis.


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